What Type of Shopper are You?

According to Suzy Gershman in “Best Dressed”, there are four kinds of shoppers (for clothes, that is).

The first type shops without a plan and makes a lot of mistakes. She is the one that hates trying on clothes and picks something she likes, purchasing it with the thought that if I don’t like it, I can return it. She also buys a lot of inexpensive items and has a hard time matching them with items she already owns. Her look is usually more trendy.

The second type of shopper likes to spend money on expensive items and very few of them. Because of this, her items get worn a lot. She almost despises sales – preferring to pay full price for an item that fashion magazines say will be the envy of others. Her preference is items made of expensive fabrics like, cashmere, real leather and real fur. Her look is basic, with no personal style.

The third kind of shopper is more conservative. She is not interested in the current trends and fads. Her clothes are simple and basic – mostly buying from the same stores and designers. Being practical, she has a more defined signature style, but it doesn’t make much of a statement.

The fourth type of shopper is creative, but careful. She is constantly building her wardrobe like a puzzle – carefully adding pieces that go with at least three other items she owns. This works because she tends to stick with one or two basic colors. Her wardrobe if full of texture and garments that make a statement. Shoes for her are ‘sensible and chic’.  She is elegant with just the right amount of style and color.

Gershman says she is ‘born to shop’. You can find the complete book available here: There is no image, but if you let your mouse hover over the image area, you can click to see inside the book.

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